3 Steps to Phoenix Authentication

Sis Ccr
Dec 14, 2020


Phoenix Auth Has never been so simple

I already written how to add social authentication in phoenix

But for email password authenitcation Its amazingly simple now.


open mix.exs and add deps.

{:phx_gen_auth, “~> 0.6.0”}

Then run,

mix phx.gen.auth Accounts User users

mix ecto.migrate

and thats it. We have full fledge authentication system.

run the server and try it in the browser


you should see login page.


To guard a routes we can pass scope through the require_authenticated_user plug. It is already in our route file generate by phx_gen_auth

pipe_through [:browser, :require_authenticated_user]

To guard a specific action in controller

import TailwindWeb.UserAuth, only: [require_authenticated_user: 2]plug :require_authenticated_user when action in [:my_rooms, :new, :edit, :delete]



Sis Ccr
Sis Ccr

Written by Sis Ccr

Depths of ocean could not swallow me.

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